
Exclusive ONE-DAY WORKSHOP: Shopper Psychology and Claims Development with Tony Durham

01 Feb 2024

After delivering an outstanding presentation at the 9th FMCG Summit in Skopje, Tony Durham is responding to the business community's request by hosting a professional training session in Skopje on March 6! Don't miss this unique opportunity to gain insights into how buyers make decisions, learn effective strategies to win them over, and capture their attention.

  • Tony Durham's LinkedIn Profile
  • 35 years in management positions at P&G
  • The last decade of his career in this company marks his work in the position of director of SBD (Shopper Based Design) for the region of Europe, India, Africa and the Middle East.

The workshop is intended for:

  • marketing professionals
  • professionals in the field of shopper-marketing and trade-marketing
  • sales experts


The first part on shopper psychology: 4 hours will cover

  • How shoppers really make decisions? 
  • This would cover how to attract attention in-store and online, how to deliver a reason to encourage a purchase and re-purchase and how to influence the decision to buy now.
  • This course is based on the same content as the course taught to P&G marketeers and now integrated into the core training of over 20 top FMCG companies
  • The course would cover a mixture of theories, exercises and discussion via a lot of real-life examples of how top brands and retailers have used this knowledge to drive sales and profit.
  • The course focuses on the practical application of knowledge so that participants can instantly start using the knowledge to build sales and profit.
  • At the end of the course people will leave with an understanding of the key principles they can use to win with shoppers and influence their behavior.

The second part on claims development3 hours will cover

  • How to identify purchase barriers?
  • How to develop claims?
  • The 24 different types of claims.
  • How to understand the legal risk of claims and how to test claims effectiveness?

This concludes the theoretical part. Moving forward, you’ll delve into practical examples of claims used by current brands, evaluating their effectiveness and reasons. You will exit with informative sheets covering purchase barriers, types of claims, and techniques for crafting effective ones.

Shopper psychology Training Course by Tony Durham

Attracting a shopper's attention is particularly challenging in today's overwhelming environment, spanning marketing materials, packaging, point of sale (POS), and the competition for visibility both in-store and online. To achieve success, understanding how individuals decide what to focus on, what captures their attention, what retains it, and how to tap into established brand associations is crucial. This involves strategically diverting attention away from competitors.

The shopper psychology training will concentrate on the elements of: Attention, Reason and Decision to provide a comprehensive guide on winning with the shopper. This includes insights into leveraging the concept of the "lazy brain" for attention-grabbing, understanding the impact of color, shape, pictures, gaze direction, and color contrast on visibility. The training will illuminate how the brain tends to overlook consistent elements, emphasizing the importance of creating distinctions.

Additionally, the program will delve into framing and presenting information aligned with how shoppers process information. It will address identifying factors that hinder a shopper from understanding why they should choose your brand and provide strategies for overcoming these barriers through effective presentation techniques. Moreover, the training will cover various ways to encourage shoppers to choose your brand right away.

About Tony Durham:

He is a widely recognized as one of the foremost experts in applying knowledge of shopper behavior and psychology to the retail environment. With a proven track record, he has successfully enhanced sales and profits for renowned brands and retailers worldwide.

Throughout his 35 years at P&G in Sales, Tony served as the Director of Shopper Based Design for EIMEA. He played a vital role in the Global Packaging Council, contributing to substantial changes in high-risk packaging.  Tony trained at Brand College for 15 years, developed the claims training program, and helped design their First Moment of Truth Shopper Research Centers.

Since retiring four years ago, he founded his own consultancy, providing board-level training for retailers and guiding major global FMCG brands on successful strategies both in-store and online. Tony has developed personalized internal training courses on Shopper Psychology, Claims Development, and POS for numerous top FMCG companies. Additionally, he is a regular speaker at global conferences.


PRICE per participant is 299 euros (VAT not included).

For registration, please email: meri@instore.mk; edukacija@instore.mk

Contact Person: Meri Katalinic - +389 71 262 441


* No photography or recording allowed during the training.

* The presentation will be in English, with no translation.

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